


グレゴリ ベイトソン






Rigour and imagination, the two great contraries of mental process, either of which by itself is lethal. Rigour alone is paralytic death, but imagination alone is insanity.
Gregory Bateson


These pages feature a broad variety of educational work that origially grew from contemplating the idea of "koto-tsukuri". There are numerous publications and details of events and workshops.

For more than two decades, we have been incorporating activities that challenge both rigour and imagination into university classes and into workshops and trainings. Participants learn from interacting with each other and with the environment ("the world as a classroom"), with a focus on meta-skills: information processing, reasoning, enquiry, creativity, physical skills, and evaluation.

The way we believe things to be is not always the way things are. Our koto-tsukuri practices and workshops offer participants new ways to experience, repeated opportunites to reflect through theory and guided discussion, and gentle encouragment to navigate the feedback loops between environmental and personal change.

公立はこだて未来大学 イアンフランク研究室 / マルコムフィールド研究室
Copyright(C)2006-2024 Ian Frank, Malcolm Field. All right reserved.